Reading the World through The Times and The Guardia
著者 | 田中孝信・筒井香代子・野田三貴 編著 |
判型・頁数 | B5判・80頁 |
教授用資料 | 教授用資料・教授用CD有 |
音声 | 自習用音声ダウンロード |
定価 | 本体1,800円+税 |
ISBN | 978-4-7553-0351-7 |
出版年月 | 2009年4月 |
[Life & Style]
1. Richer but less happy, we are now a pill-popping people
2. The mobile doctors who have kept Aids at bay in a crumbling state
3. Jourdan Dunn is the colour of money
4. Who’s afraid of a synthetic Human?
5. Patients who are frozen in time
6. Thought control: it’s the computer world’s latest game plan
7. If Tesco and Wal-Mart are friends of the earth, are there any enemies left?
8. Big Macs and healthy profits̶how the fast food giant fought back
9. Diamond magnate backs Africa with words and new jobs
10. Fear and flying
11. As pure (and as toxic) as a clear mountain stream
12. The western appetite for biofuels is causing starvation in the poor world
1 冒頭に日本語による簡単な記事の内容紹介
2 Vocabulary―本文に入る前のウォーミング・アップ
3 本文+側注―精読にも速読にも読みのリズムを妨げない側注形式
4 設問は内容把握中心―書取り式のT/F問題,英問英答,DiscussionやWriting用の課題